A New Year - 2016

It's nearly March! It's about time I said "Happy New Year"! There have been mixed emotions around here since 2016 started. My daughter is following her dream at last and has started as a teacher in the Himalayas. Yes, that is far, far away from Australia. We are proud of her and happy for her but of course we all miss her. This is her on the day that our family changed forever... (I'm not complaining. It's just a Mum thing.) My colourful adventurer. There was another time of sadness. One of our faithful, much loved members of The Craft Group passed away. Valda has been coming for many years. She passed away sooner than expected after a recent cancer diagnosis. As a group, we gave a card and flowers to her Craft Group friends who usually sit with her and will no doubt miss her greatly. Valda had a beautiful faith in Jesus. It was so evident, like a light shining in a dark room. She is with Him now. My life has changed in a few other...