Bags for a good cause. Bag 1.
Don't you love using your stash of fabric for something worthwhile?
For many years "the Craft Group" has hosted a Cancer Council Morning tea (which I did blog about before). I told you about the bags that Anne made from her stash of fabrics at home and so now I thought I'd show you 2 of her creations.
We held an auction to sell Anne's homemade bags and I bought these 2.

A Bullseye Bag.
A while ago, a group of friends and I made "bullseye" quilts and then at "The Craft Group", we did them as well. Bullseye quilts are a great group project. Basically, you sew a heap of squares with 3 different sized circles sewn on top (rough edges showing). You then cut them in quarters, swap them around and sew them back together again. Easy! (I'll show you my quilt some day if I can peel it off my TV watching teenagers).Well, Anne was in one of these groups who shared bullseye squares and she had some left overs. So she made a bullseye bag!
Here is a closeup of one of the squares. If you want to see how to make a bullseye quilt, you can see this bullseye tutorial. Just to keep you on your toes, the tutorial is in french (with funny google english translations).
I use my bag to carry around my craft projects. Thanks Anne!
I think I'll show you the second bag tomorrow. I love it.
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